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Titus 2:8 (GNTTRP) Tischendorf Greek New Testament

1 Σὺ P-2NS G4771 δὲ CONJ G1161 λάλει V-PAM-2S G2980 R-APN G3739 πρέπει V-PAI-3S G4241 τῇ T-DSF G3588 ὑγιαινούσῃ V-PAP-DSF G5198 διδασκαλίᾳ.N-DSF G1319
2 πρεσβύτας N-APM G4246 νηφαλίους A-APM G3524 εἶναι, V-PAN G1510 σεμνούς, A-APM G4586 σώφρονας, A-APM G4998 ὑγιαίνοντας V-PAP-APM G5198 τῇ T-DSF G3588 πίστει, N-DSF G4102 τῇ T-DSF G3588 ἀγάπῃ, N-DSF G26 τῇ T-DSF G3588 ὑπομονῇ.N-DSF G5281
3 πρεσβύτιδας N-APF G4247 ὡσαύτως ADV G5615 ἐν PREP G1722 καταστήματι N-DSN G2688 ἱεροπρεπεῖς, A-APF G2412 μὴ PRT-N G3361 διαβόλους A-APF G1228 μὴ PRT-N G3361 οἴνῳ N-DSM G3631 πολλῷ A-DSM G4183 δεδουλωμένας, V-RPP-APF G1402 καλοδιδασκάλους,A-APF G2567
4 ἵνα CONJ G2443 σωφρονίζωσιν V-PAS-3P G4994 τὰς T-APF G3588 νέας A-APF G3501 φιλάνδρους N-APF G5362 εἶναι, V-PAN G1510 φιλοτέκνους,A-APF G5388
5 σώφρονας, A-APF G4998 ἁγνάς, A-APF G53 οἰκουργούς A-APF G3626 ἀγαθάς, A-APF G18 ὑποτασσομένας V-PPP-APF G5293 τοῖς T-DPM G3588 ἰδίοις A-DPM G2398 ἀνδράσιν, N-DPM G435 ἵνα CONJ G2443 μὴ PRT-N G3361 T-NSM G3588 λόγος N-NSM G3056 τοῦ T-GSM G3588 θεοῦ N-GSM G2316 βλασφημῆται.V-PPS-3S G987
6 Τοὺς T-APM G3588 νεωτέρους A-APM-C G3501 ὡσαύτως ADV G5615 παρακάλει V-PAM-2S G3870 σωφρονεῖνV-PAN G4993
7 περὶ PREP G4012 πάντα, A-APN G3956 σεαυτὸν F-2ASM G4572 παρεχόμενος V-PMP-NSM G3930 τύπον N-ASM G5179 καλῶν A-GPN G2570 ἔργων, N-GPN G2041 ἐν PREP G1722 τῇ T-DSF G3588 διδασκαλίᾳ N-DSF G1319 ἀφθορίαν, N-ASF G90 σεμνότητα,N-ASF G4587
8 λόγον N-ASM G3056 ὑγιῆ A-ASM G5199 ἀκατάγνωστον, A-ASM G176 ἵνα CONJ G2443 T-NSM G3588 ἐξ PREP G1537 ἐναντίας A-GSF G1727 ἐντραπῇ V-2APS-3S G1788 μηδὲν A-ASN-N G3367 ἔχων V-PAP-NSM G2192 λέγειν V-PAN G3004 περὶ PREP G4012 ἡμῶν P-1GP G2248 φαῦλον.A-ASN G5337
9 Δούλους ἰδίοις A-DPM G2398 δεσπόταις N-DPM G1203 ὑποτάσσεσθαι V-PMN G5293 ἐν PREP G1722 πᾶσιν, A-DPN G3956 εὐαρέστους A-APM G2101 εἶναι, V-PAN G1510 μὴ PRT-N G3361 ἀντιλέγοντας,V-PAP-APM G483
10 μὴ PRT-N G3361 νοσφιζομένους, V-PMP-APM G3557 ἀλλὰ CONJ G235 πᾶσαν A-ASF G3956 πίστιν N-ASF G4102 ἐνδεικνυμένους V-PMP-APM G1731 ἀγαθήν, A-ASF G18 ἵνα CONJ G2443 τὴν T-ASF G3588 διδασκαλίαν N-ASF G1319 τὴν T-ASF G3588 τοῦ T-GSM G3588 σωτῆρος N-GSM G4990 ἡμῶν P-1GP G2248 θεοῦ N-GSM G2316 κοσμῶσιν V-PAS-3P G2885 ἐν PREP G1722 πᾶσιν.A-DPN G3956
11 Ἐπεφάνη V-2API-3S G2014 γὰρ CONJ G1063 T-NSF G3588 χάρις N-NSF G5485 τοῦ T-GSM G3588 θεοῦ N-GSM G2316 σωτήριος A-NSM G4992 πᾶσιν A-DPM G3956 ἀνθρώποις,N-DPM G444
12 παιδεύουσα V-PAP-NSF G3811 ἡμᾶς P-1AP G2248 ἵνα CONJ G2443 ἀρνησάμενοι V-ADP-NPM G720 τὴν T-ASF G3588 ἀσέβειαν N-ASF G763 καὶ CONJ G2532 τὰς T-APF G3588 κοσμικὰς A-APF G2886 ἐπιθυμίας N-APF G1939 σωφρόνως ADV G4996 καὶ CONJ G2532 δικαίως ADV G1346 καὶ CONJ G2532 εὐσεβῶς ADV G2153 ζήσωμεν V-AAS-1P G2198 ἐν PREP G1722 τῷ T-DSM G3588 νῦν ADV G3568 αἰῶνι,N-DSM G165
13 προσδεχόμενοι V-PNP-NPM G4327 τὴν T-ASF G3588 μακαρίαν A-ASF G3107 ἐλπίδα N-ASF G1680 καὶ CONJ G2532 ἐπιφάνειαν N-ASF G2015 τῆς T-GSF G3588 δόξης N-GSF G1391 τοῦ T-GSM G3588 μεγάλου A-GSM G3173 θεοῦ N-GSM G2316 καὶ CONJ G2532 σωτῆρος N-GSM G4990 ἡμῶν P-1GP G2248 Χριστοῦ N-GSM G5547 Ἰησοῦ,N-GSM G2424
14 ὃς R-NSM G3739 ἔδωκεν V-AAI-3S G1325 ἑαυτὸν F-3ASM G1438 ὑπὲρ PREP G5228 ἡμῶν P-1GP G2248 ἵνα CONJ G2443 λυτρώσηται V-AMS-3S G3084 ἡμᾶς P-1AP G2248 ἀπὸ PREP G575 πάσης A-GSF G3956 ἀνομίας N-GSF G458 καὶ CONJ G2532 καθαρίσῃ V-AAS-3S G2511 ἑαυτῷ F-3DSM G1438 λαὸν N-ASM G2992 περιούσιον, A-ASM G4041 ζηλωτὴν N-ASM G2207 καλῶν A-GPN G2570 ἔργων.N-GPN G2041
15 Ταῦτα D-APN G3778 λάλει V-PAM-2S G2980 καὶ CONJ G2532 παρακάλει V-PAM-2S G3870 καὶ CONJ G2532 ἔλεγχε V-PAM-2S G1651 μετὰ PREP G3326 πάσης A-GSF G3956 ἐπιταγῆς· N-GSF G2003 μηδείς A-NSM-N G3367 σου P-2GS G4771 περιφρονείτω.V-PAM-3S G4065
1 But G1161 speak G2980 thou G4771 the things which G3739 become G4241 sound G5198 doctrine: G1319
2 That the aged men G4246 be G1511 sober, G3524 grave, G4586 temperate, G4998 sound G5198 in faith, G4102 in charity, G26 in patience. G5281
3 The aged women G4247 likewise, G5615 that they be in G1722 behavior G2688 as becometh holiness, G2412 not G3361 false accusers, G1228 not G3361 given G1402 to much G4183 wine, G3631 teachers of good things; G2567
4 That G2443 they may teach the young women to be sober G4994 G3588, G3501 to G1511 love their husbands, G5362 to love their children, G5388
5 To be discreet, G4998 chaste, G53 keepers at home, G3626 good, G18 obedient G5293 to their own G2398 husbands, G435 that G2443 the G3588 word G3056 of God G2316 be not G3361 blasphemed. G987
6 Young men G3501 likewise G5615 exhort G3870 to be sober minded. G4993
7 In G4012 all things G3956 showing G3930 thyself G4572 a pattern G5179 of good G2570 works: G2041 in G1722 doctrine G1319 showing uncorruptness, G90 gravity, G4587 sincerity, G861
8 Sound G5199 speech, G3056 that cannot be condemned; G176 that G2443 he G3588 that is of G1537 the contrary part G1727 may be ashamed, G1788 having G2192 no G3367 evil thing G5337 to say G3004 of G4012 you. G5216
9 Exhort servants G1401 to be obedient G5293 unto their own G2398 masters, G1203 and G1511 to please them well G2101 in G1722 all G3956 things ; not G3361 answering again; G483
10 Not G3361 purloining, G3557 but G235 showing G1731 all G3956 good G18 fidelity; G4102 that G2443 they may adorn G2885 the G3588 doctrine G1319 of God G2316 our G2257 Savior G4990 in G1722 all things. G3956
11 For G1063 the G3588 grace G5485 of God G2316 that bringeth salvation G4992 hath appeared G2014 to all G3956 men, G444
12 Teaching G3811 us G2248 that, G2443 denying G720 ungodliness G763 and G2532 worldly G2886 lusts, G1939 we should live G2198 soberly, righteously G4996 G1346 , and G2532 godly, G2153 in G1722 this present G3568 world; G165
13 Looking for G4327 that blessed G3107 hope, G1680 and G2532 the G3588 glorious G1391 appearing G2015 of the G3588 great G3173 God G2316 and G2532 our G2257 Savior G4990 Jesus G2424 Christ; G5547
14 Who G3739 gave G1325 himself G1438 for G5228 us, G2257 that G2443 he might redeem G3084 us G2248 from G575 all G3956 iniquity, G458 and G2532 purify G2511 unto himself G1438 a peculiar G4041 people, G2992 zealous G2207 of good G2570 works. G2041
15 These things G5023 speak, G2980 and G2532 exhort, G3870 and G2532 rebuke G1651 with G3326 all G3956 authority. G2003 Let no man G3367 despise G4065 thee. G4675
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