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1 וּזְכֹר H2142 אֶת H853 PART ־ CPUN בּוֹרְאֶיךָ H1254 בִּימֵי H3117 B-CMP בְּחוּרֹתֶיךָ H979 עַד H5704 PREP אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN יָבֹאוּ H935 VQY3MP יְמֵי H3117 CMP הָֽרָעָה H7451 D-AFS וְהִגִּיעוּ H5060 שָׁנִים H8141 NFP אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO תֹּאמַר H559 אֵֽין H369 ADV ־ CPUN לִי L-PPRO-1MS בָהֶם CPUN חֵֽפֶץ H2656 ׃ EPUN
2 עַד H5704 PREP אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO לֹֽא H3808 ADV ־ CPUN תֶחְשַׁךְ H2821 הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ H8121 D-NMS וְהָאוֹר H216 וְהַיָּרֵחַ H3394 וְהַכּוֹכָבִים H3556 וְשָׁבוּ H7725 הֶעָבִים H5645 אַחַר H310 ADV הַגָּֽשֶׁם H1653 ׃ EPUN
3 בַּיּוֹם H3117 B-AMS שֶׁיָּזֻעוּ H2111 שֹׁמְרֵי H8104 הַבַּיִת H1004 D-NMS וְהִֽתְעַוְּתוּ H5791 אַנְשֵׁי H376 CMP הֶחָיִל H2428 וּבָטְלוּ H988 הַטֹּֽחֲנוֹת H2912 כִּי H3588 CONJ מִעֵטוּ H4592 וְחָשְׁכוּ H2821 הָרֹאוֹת H7200 בָּאֲרֻבּֽוֹת H699 ׃ EPUN
4 וְסֻגְּרוּ H5462 דְלָתַיִם H1817 בַּשּׁוּק H7784 בִּשְׁפַל H8217 קוֹל H6963 CMS הַֽטַּחֲנָה H2913 וְיָקוּם H6965 לְקוֹל H6963 L-CMS הַצִּפּוֹר H6833 וְיִשַּׁחוּ H7817 כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN בְּנוֹת H1323 CFP הַשִּֽׁיר H7892 ׃ EPUN
5 גַּם H1571 CONJ מִגָּבֹהַּ H1364 יִרָאוּ H3372 וְחַתְחַתִּים H2849 בַּדֶּרֶךְ H1870 וְיָנֵאץ H5006 הַשָּׁקֵד H8247 וְיִסְתַּבֵּל H5445 הֶֽחָגָב H2284 וְתָפֵר H6565 הָֽאֲבִיּוֹנָה H35 כִּֽי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN הֹלֵךְ H1980 הָאָדָם H120 D-NMS אֶל H413 PREP ־ CPUN בֵּית H1004 CMS עוֹלָמוֹ H5769 וְסָבְבוּ H5437 בָשּׁוּק H7784 הַסֹּפְדִֽים H5594 ׃ EPUN
6 עַד H5704 PREP אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO לֹֽא H3808 ADV ־ CPUN ירחק H7368 חֶבֶל H2256 הַכֶּסֶף H3701 וְתָרֻץ H7533 גֻּלַּת H1543 הַזָּהָב H2091 וְתִשָּׁבֶר H7665 כַּד H3537 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN הַמַּבּוּעַ H4002 וְנָרֹץ H7533 הַגַּלְגַּל H1534 אֶל H413 PREP ־ CPUN הַבּֽוֹר H953 ׃ EPUN
7 וְיָשֹׁב H7725 הֶעָפָר H6083 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN הָאָרֶץ H776 D-GFS כְּשֶׁהָיָה H1961 וְהָרוּחַ H7307 תָּשׁוּב H7725 VQY2MS אֶל H413 PREP ־ CPUN הָאֱלֹהִים H430 D-EDP אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO נְתָנָֽהּ H5414 ׃ EPUN
8 הֲבֵל H1892 הֲבָלִים H1892 אָמַר H559 VQQ3MS הַקּוֹהֶלֶת H6953 הַכֹּל H3605 הָֽבֶל H1892 ׃ EPUN
9 וְיֹתֵר H3148 שֶׁהָיָה H1961 קֹהֶלֶת H6953 חָכָם H2450 AMS עוֹד H5750 ADV לִמַּד H3925 ־ CPUN דַּעַת H1847 NFS אֶת H853 PART ־ CPUN הָעָם H5971 וְאִזֵּן H238 וְחִקֵּר H2713 תִּקֵּן H8626 מְשָׁלִים H4912 הַרְבֵּֽה H7235 ׃ EPUN
10 בִּקֵּשׁ H1245 קֹהֶלֶת H6953 לִמְצֹא H4672 דִּבְרֵי H1697 CMP ־ CPUN חֵפֶץ H2656 וְכָתוּב H3789 יֹשֶׁר H3476 NMS דִּבְרֵי H1697 CMP אֱמֶֽת H571 ׃ EPUN
11 דִּבְרֵי H1697 CMP חֲכָמִים H2450 AMP כַּדָּרְבֹנוֹת H1861 וּֽכְמַשְׂמְרוֹת H4930 נְטוּעִים H5193 בַּעֲלֵי H1167 CMP אֲסֻפּוֹת H627 נִתְּנוּ H5414 מֵרֹעֶה H7462 אֶחָֽד H259 ONUM ׃ EPUN
12 וְיֹתֵר H3148 מֵהֵמָּה H1992 בְּנִי H1121 NMS-1MS הִזָּהֵר H2094 עֲשׂוֹת H6213 VQFC סְפָרִים H5612 הַרְבֵּה H7235 VHFA אֵין H369 NPAR קֵץ H7093 RMS וְלַהַג H3854 הַרְבֵּה H7235 VHFA יְגִעַת H3024 בָּשָֽׂר H1320 NMS ׃ EPUN
13 סוֹף H5490 דָּבָר H1697 VQPMS הַכֹּל H3605 NMS נִשְׁמָע אֶת H853 PART ־ CPUN הָאֱלֹהִים H430 D-EDP יְרָא H3372 וְאֶת H853 PART ־ CPUN מִצְוֺתָיו H4687 שְׁמוֹר H8104 כִּי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN זֶה H2088 DPRO כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN הָאָדָֽם H120 D-NMS ׃ EPUN
14 כִּי H3588 CONJ אֶת H853 PART ־ CPUN כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN מַֽעֲשֶׂה H4639 הָאֱלֹהִים H430 D-EDP יָבִא H935 בְמִשְׁפָּט H4941 B-NMS עַל H5921 PREP כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN נֶעְלָם H5956 אִם H518 PART ־ CPUN טוֹב H2896 AMS וְאִם H518 PART ־ CPUN רָֽע H7451 AMS ׃ EPUN
1 Remember H2142 now thy Creator H1254 in the days H3117 B-CMP of thy youth H979 , while H5704 PREP the evil H7451 D-AFS days H3117 CMP come H935 VQY3MP not H3808 NADV , nor the years H8141 NFP draw nigh H5060 , when H834 RPRO thou shalt say H559 , I have no H369 ADV pleasure H2656 in them ;
2 While H5704 PREP the sun H8121 D-NMS , or the light H216 , or the moon H3394 , or the stars H3556 , be not H3808 ADV darkened H2821 , nor the clouds H5645 return H7725 after H310 ADV the rain H1653 :
3 In the day H3117 B-AMS when the keepers H8104 of the house H1004 D-NMS shall tremble H2111 , and the strong H2428 men H376 CMP shall bow themselves H5791 , and the grinders H2912 cease H988 because H3588 CONJ they are few H4591 , and those that look H7200 out of the windows H699 be darkened H2821 ,
4 And the doors H1817 shall be shut H5462 in the streets H7784 , when the sound H6963 CMS of the grinding H2913 is low H8213 , and he shall rise up H6965 at the voice H6963 L-CMS of the bird H6833 , and all H3605 NMS the daughters H1323 CFP of music H7892 shall be brought low H7817 ;
5 Also H1571 CONJ when they shall be afraid H3372 of that which is high H1364 , and fears H2849 shall be in the way H1870 , and the almond tree H8247 shall flourish H5006 , and the grasshopper H2284 shall be a burden H5445 , and desire H35 shall fail H6565 : because H3588 CONJ man H120 D-NMS goeth H1980 to H413 PREP his long H5769 home H1004 CMS , and the mourners H5594 go about H5437 the streets H7784 :
6 Or H5704 PREP ever H834 RPRO the silver H3701 cord H2256 be loosed H7368 , or the golden H2091 bowl H1543 be broken H7533 , or the pitcher H3537 be broken H7665 at H5921 PREP the fountain H4002 , or the wheel H1534 broken H7533 at H413 PREP the cistern H953 .
7 Then shall the dust H6083 return H7725 to H5921 PREP the earth H776 D-GFS as it was : and the spirit H7307 shall return H7725 VQY2MS unto H413 PREP God H430 D-EDP who H834 RPRO gave H5414 it .
8 Vanity H1892 of vanities H1892 , saith H559 VQQ3MS the preacher H6953 ; all H3605 is vanity H1892 .
9 And moreover H3148 , because the preacher H6953 was wise H2450 AMS , he still H5750 ADV taught H3925 the people H5971 knowledge H1847 NFS ; yea , he gave good heed H238 , and sought out H2713 , and set in order H8626 many H7235 proverbs H4912 .
10 The preacher H6953 sought H1245 to find out H4672 acceptable H2656 words H1697 CMP : and that which was written H3789 was upright H3476 NMS , even words H1697 CMP of truth H571 .
11 The words H1697 CMP of the wise H2450 AMP are as goads H1861 , and as nails H4930 fastened H5193 by the masters H1167 CMP of assemblies H627 , which are given H5414 from one shepherd H7462 .
12 And further H3148 , by these H1992 , my son H1121 NMS-1MS , be admonished H2094 : of making H6213 VQFC many H7235 VHFA books H5612 there is no H369 NPAR end H7093 RMS ; and much H7235 VHFA study H3854 is a weariness H3024 of the flesh H1320 NMS .
13 Let us hear H8085 the conclusion H5490 of the whole H3605 NMS matter H1697 VQPMS : Fear H3372 God H430 D-EDP , and keep H8104 his commandments H4687 : for H3588 CONJ this H2088 DPRO is the whole H3605 NMS duty of man H120 D-NMS .
14 For H3588 CONJ God H430 D-EDP shall bring H935 every H3605 NMS work H4639 into judgment H4941 B-NMS , with H5921 PREP every H3605 NMS secret thing H5956 , whether H518 PART it be good H2896 AMS , or whether H518 PART it be evil H7451 AMS .
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